We are the generation that takes the time to analyze ingredient lists and study companies to make sure we are buying safe products. There is a pool of money-hungry companies only trying to keep their board of directors happy instead of focusing on ingredients and customers.
I've had skin issues since I can remember, they started around the 4th or 5th grade for me. It started with small comedones and oily skin, and through high school and college emerged a cycle of skin issues: sensitive skin, breakout prone skin, large visible pores, hyper-pigmentation, dry skin and uneven skin texture.
At an early age learning about skincare and keeping it under control was frustrating, expensive, and a guessing game.
Countless dermatologists and "professionals" were no help either, I had to become my own superhero. I'm not putting everyone in the same category, but they aren't all created equal, I believe if you've never lived with skin issues then you can't help nor will you ever understand the struggle.
I was a product-hopper looking for a cure but nothing seemed to work for me long term, it would get better before it got worse (as I'm sure many of you have experienced).
I was let down by the brands and products that claimed to be "organic," "dermatologist-tested," "non-comedogenic," or "hypo-allergenic" only to see their ingredient lists full of obvious offenders like synthetics, irritants, dyes, and fragrances. There are definitely more brands breaking those barriers now.
However even today there are still missing parts of the picture. There is another major issue tons of skincare companies still fail to see which are comedogenic oils! I couldn't find products for myself without discovering it contained more than 3-5+ oils on the ingredient lists that are highly comedogenic.
We all know it only takes one ingredient to ruin a product, and so I created Divulge Beauty.
Hard lessons learned and tons of products later I taught myself about safe ingredients and created my own line of products without all the obvious offenders and highly comedogenic oils. Once I eliminated these problem ingredients from my regimen, my skin started becoming brighter, clearer and more vibrant.
I wanted effective skincare products that contained ingredients I could trust, control and depend on and creating Divulge Beauty was my way of fixing the bigger picture. This line is everything I would want as a customer: only necessary and effective ingredients without the need for fillers and fluff, no flamboyant marketing, and understanding that products are just one piece of the puzzle.
We do not test on animals and never will because it's 2018 for pete's sake.
Good skincare isn't just what products you apply, it's a lifestyle. Check out our blog for helpful tips and start living a better, sustainable, and happy life.
As a founder who really cares, I like to be involved in everything we do, and take customer happiness very seriously. You can email me personally at sarina@divulgebeauty.com
Sarina, Founder & CEO
helpful tipsWith this 10-step plan you can quit sugar much more easily than you think! The first few days are always the hardest, but if you follow all of these steps, you’ll start feeling amazing in no time.
Enzymes are very effective for treating problematic breakouts and acne. Softening the skin surface and preparing the skin for extraction of open and closed comedones, pustules and sebaceous cysts.
We wrote up a small guide which will help you understand why you should avoid most DIY masks on the skin and instead go for skincare that has been tested!
Drop us any thoughts, feelings, suggestions or anything else you want! We love hearing feedback from our customers.